Psalterium Carolinum - Ode 1

Thou Lord, hast made us see, that pious thoughts
Of future reformation for past faults;
Nor satisfie thy justice; or prevent
Alwaies the strokes of thy dire punishment.
Our hopes, ore-laid by sin, on thee depend
For pardon, not on our Resolves t'amend,
When by vindictive judgements on us laid,
Thou hast thy glory in our shame displaid:
And how unsafe it is, shewn us by these,
To dare t'offend, on after hopes to please.
Thy mercies then (I trust) the blessings may
Restore, which wrong'd, we forc'd thee snatch away.
Who early penitence for sin deni'd,
Now mourn for remedies too late apply'd.
Yet as my Aims were right, I not repent
That I this later Councell did convent.
Th'insuing Miseries have, for our sin,
The sad effects of thy just anger bin;
And through thy mercy may preparatives
Of future blessings be, and better lives.
Stript of all else, teach us by them to thrive;
That as thy Staff, thy Rod may comfort give.
If with afflictions, patience thou bestow,
The stroaks are of a Father, not a Foe.
Nor shall I then the ills this Councell wrought
Repent; by them to true repentance brought.
Our sufferings with thy Grace, far more we prize,
Than our own peace with our impieties.
Sole Good and Wise, our hearts as Councells steare;
That the worst things we from thy justice bear
To better, by thy mercy us inure,
Poyson'd with Antidotes, with poison cure.
So we by sins of Peace, to War inclin'd,
Through this sad war, thy happy peace may finde.
Whilst I (though troubles here perplex my raign)
May in my heart, and in thy Heav'n attain
That Crown of Peace which Christ hath bought, and thou
Wilt on thy servant for his sake bestow.
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