Pseaulme Cent Trenteseptiesme
Super flumina Babylonis.
Estants sitting at aquaticques banks
Babylon, wept melancholicques,
Remembering the land of Zion:
And in the middle of the house,
Where so many tears of regret espandismes,
Harps upon the willows vertz noz we pendismes.
When ceulx that there captives emmenarent us
Of the ring fort we importunarent,
Syon songs and recite:
Las dismes us Who could encourage
Noz sad cueurs singing praise
Nostre of God in a strange land?
Or toutesfoys, may my right hand forget
The art of harper, before you are Voye Estre
Hierusalem, out of my memory:
My tongue can hold my Palays
If I forget thee, and if ever ay joy,
As your first issuance I oye.
But doncq Lord, in your memoyre prints
The filz of Edom, which on Hierosolyme
Crioyent in the day that it is destruysoit:
Remember that every one of toy eulx faid,
A bag, sack, whether burning,
And to the foot of the foundations razed.
Babylon will also put ashes:
Tresheureux and that you make good sçaura
The evil that comes too close touch:
Celluy happy, which will pull
Like the children of thy hands unclean
To offend against the hard stones.
Estants sitting at aquaticques banks
Babylon, wept melancholicques,
Remembering the land of Zion:
And in the middle of the house,
Where so many tears of regret espandismes,
Harps upon the willows vertz noz we pendismes.
When ceulx that there captives emmenarent us
Of the ring fort we importunarent,
Syon songs and recite:
Las dismes us Who could encourage
Noz sad cueurs singing praise
Nostre of God in a strange land?
Or toutesfoys, may my right hand forget
The art of harper, before you are Voye Estre
Hierusalem, out of my memory:
My tongue can hold my Palays
If I forget thee, and if ever ay joy,
As your first issuance I oye.
But doncq Lord, in your memoyre prints
The filz of Edom, which on Hierosolyme
Crioyent in the day that it is destruysoit:
Remember that every one of toy eulx faid,
A bag, sack, whether burning,
And to the foot of the foundations razed.
Babylon will also put ashes:
Tresheureux and that you make good sçaura
The evil that comes too close touch:
Celluy happy, which will pull
Like the children of thy hands unclean
To offend against the hard stones.
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