Pseaulme Vingtdeuxiesme
Deus meus respice in me, quare dereliq.
My God, my God, wherefore hast thou left me,
Loing rescue, BORED as oppressed,
And far from the cry that I address you ay
In my complaincte?
Day, my God, I invocque without feigned,
Sponds toutesfoys and not your holy voice:
By night also, and not ay, whereof estaincte
Let my cry.
Alas, you're the sainct, and the tremeur,
Israel and happiness resident,
Where has pleased you that your los, and honor
We sing, and taken.
Noz Peres have confidence in their toy set,
Confidence ilz have sitting on toy:
And you have to captives, free
Tousjours BOUTES.
A toy crying, of BORED were ost,
Hope have your sainctes kindness,
And receu without Estre reboutes,
Your grace prompt.
But me, I'm ung verm that nothing rises
And not man, men ains shame:
And serve only as a fable, and account
People at the bottom.
Every one who sees you as well abas me
Of me is mocked, and there takes his ESBAS:
Make me pout: & then hault, and then down
Shake their tests.
Then go saying he is leaning, and is arreste
At all about God, and him his deed requeste:
So he saulve, and that rescue him nimble,
If the ayme much.
If you got me out of the womb yet mys:
Causes hope you were bringing me:
I estoys of the udder sucking
My nurse.
And what's more, out of the matrix,
Took me in your holy guardian Main,
And you monstras Estre my God conducive
Of that was born.
So you do yours on me if destourne:
Because the peril me pres adjourne:
And is aulcun which is given by me
Secours grace.
Maint big bull around me, and threat:
The big bulls of Bashan loam,
To besiege me have suivy me track
By pressing me:
And all so lovely qu'ung Lyon,
After the prey furious roaring,
Ilz opened above avg languid
Gloute their mouths.
Alas, my virtue as water 'is escoule any,
Ay not the bone that AYT joincture dissoulte:
And as wax Avg background drip
My cueur Fasche.
Mood I'm like tuylle asseiche:
My palace is attached to my tongue:
You gave me the deed perst of Estre tumbeau lying,
Reduict ash.
Circuy me because dogs have to take me:
The faulse trouppe came offendre me
Venue is pierced me, and split
My piedz, and hands.
I can count my bones from most to least:
That lights inhuman cruelz,
Wholes resjouys Eject me many looks,
With derision.
Ja my despouille eulx have divided between:
Between eulx desja my robe registered trademark
Ilz have to fate hazardeux exposed
Who aura.
Lord, your hand is not so eslongnera:
Ains pity give me relief:
And if you pleases, she hastera,
My God, my strength:
Saulve sword, and deadly estorce,
My soul, alas, only to lose it strives to:
The Delivre that the Dog is walrus,
Mad dog.
Leonin encouraged the throat
Delivre Avg: react on the afflicted,
Which is besieged by large Unicorns
Horns of them.
If compteray my faithful brothers
Your Name treshault: your virtues immortal
Diray Parmy beautiful meetings,
Speaking as follows:
You who fear God, confess it without if:
Filz Jacob exalt his Mercy:
Fear the tousjours toy Israel also
The whole race:
Has since shaped into refined humble in his prayer,
Do destourne his face back to him:
If he shouted, his singular goodness
The exaulce has.
And by me be your los haulse
Large trouppe: & my wish jIn drawn
Rendray before the good people amassed
Who fears you, Sire.
There will eat paovres to suffice,
Beneira God, who feared God, and desire,
O you ceulx there, endless (I can say)
Voz cueurs live.
This thinking, wholes will convert
Boutz the world, and God will
Brief all their people genoulx fleschiront
In thy presence.
For ilz sçauront that the divine essence
Seulle belongs Reign, and magnificence:
On which people will be by excellence
Roy conqueror.
Fat, and you will repeuz worshiping:
Or lean to the current pit
And whose life is out of options,
Will he give you glory.
Then their children to serve you, and believe
Is enclineront: & at any territoyre
Of filz in filz it will deed memoyre
The Almighty Gd.
Tousjours will quelcun of eulx yssant,
Where the people happen to nascent
Ira for all your kindness announcing
On Avg notoyre.
My God, my God, wherefore hast thou left me,
Loing rescue, BORED as oppressed,
And far from the cry that I address you ay
In my complaincte?
Day, my God, I invocque without feigned,
Sponds toutesfoys and not your holy voice:
By night also, and not ay, whereof estaincte
Let my cry.
Alas, you're the sainct, and the tremeur,
Israel and happiness resident,
Where has pleased you that your los, and honor
We sing, and taken.
Noz Peres have confidence in their toy set,
Confidence ilz have sitting on toy:
And you have to captives, free
Tousjours BOUTES.
A toy crying, of BORED were ost,
Hope have your sainctes kindness,
And receu without Estre reboutes,
Your grace prompt.
But me, I'm ung verm that nothing rises
And not man, men ains shame:
And serve only as a fable, and account
People at the bottom.
Every one who sees you as well abas me
Of me is mocked, and there takes his ESBAS:
Make me pout: & then hault, and then down
Shake their tests.
Then go saying he is leaning, and is arreste
At all about God, and him his deed requeste:
So he saulve, and that rescue him nimble,
If the ayme much.
If you got me out of the womb yet mys:
Causes hope you were bringing me:
I estoys of the udder sucking
My nurse.
And what's more, out of the matrix,
Took me in your holy guardian Main,
And you monstras Estre my God conducive
Of that was born.
So you do yours on me if destourne:
Because the peril me pres adjourne:
And is aulcun which is given by me
Secours grace.
Maint big bull around me, and threat:
The big bulls of Bashan loam,
To besiege me have suivy me track
By pressing me:
And all so lovely qu'ung Lyon,
After the prey furious roaring,
Ilz opened above avg languid
Gloute their mouths.
Alas, my virtue as water 'is escoule any,
Ay not the bone that AYT joincture dissoulte:
And as wax Avg background drip
My cueur Fasche.
Mood I'm like tuylle asseiche:
My palace is attached to my tongue:
You gave me the deed perst of Estre tumbeau lying,
Reduict ash.
Circuy me because dogs have to take me:
The faulse trouppe came offendre me
Venue is pierced me, and split
My piedz, and hands.
I can count my bones from most to least:
That lights inhuman cruelz,
Wholes resjouys Eject me many looks,
With derision.
Ja my despouille eulx have divided between:
Between eulx desja my robe registered trademark
Ilz have to fate hazardeux exposed
Who aura.
Lord, your hand is not so eslongnera:
Ains pity give me relief:
And if you pleases, she hastera,
My God, my strength:
Saulve sword, and deadly estorce,
My soul, alas, only to lose it strives to:
The Delivre that the Dog is walrus,
Mad dog.
Leonin encouraged the throat
Delivre Avg: react on the afflicted,
Which is besieged by large Unicorns
Horns of them.
If compteray my faithful brothers
Your Name treshault: your virtues immortal
Diray Parmy beautiful meetings,
Speaking as follows:
You who fear God, confess it without if:
Filz Jacob exalt his Mercy:
Fear the tousjours toy Israel also
The whole race:
Has since shaped into refined humble in his prayer,
Do destourne his face back to him:
If he shouted, his singular goodness
The exaulce has.
And by me be your los haulse
Large trouppe: & my wish jIn drawn
Rendray before the good people amassed
Who fears you, Sire.
There will eat paovres to suffice,
Beneira God, who feared God, and desire,
O you ceulx there, endless (I can say)
Voz cueurs live.
This thinking, wholes will convert
Boutz the world, and God will
Brief all their people genoulx fleschiront
In thy presence.
For ilz sçauront that the divine essence
Seulle belongs Reign, and magnificence:
On which people will be by excellence
Roy conqueror.
Fat, and you will repeuz worshiping:
Or lean to the current pit
And whose life is out of options,
Will he give you glory.
Then their children to serve you, and believe
Is enclineront: & at any territoyre
Of filz in filz it will deed memoyre
The Almighty Gd.
Tousjours will quelcun of eulx yssant,
Where the people happen to nascent
Ira for all your kindness announcing
On Avg notoyre.
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