Rally For Temperance

We rally round the flag, my friends,
We rally here to-night,
Unconquered and unshrinking still,
Strong for the True and Right.
Our banner flutters in the breeze,
The good old temperance flag:
We will not crush its ample folds,
We lower it to no rag.

E'en as our country's " dear old flag "
Waves far o'er vale and hill;
So shall the temperance banner wave,
The pledge of triumph still.
The young are pressing to our ranks,
With temperance youth to crown;
And they will bear their banner high,
When we must lay it down.

The day of freedom will at length
For each inebriate dawn,
As gloweth for the bondman now,
Beneath our flag, the morn.
Oh, not in word let us alone
The friends of temperance be!
But let us labor, — strike the axe
At every cumbering tree.

In word and deed, in heart and soul,
To temperance ever true,
Let us our appetites control,
And win companions too.
So shall our order stronger be,
Our lodge a type more true
Of that high temple where He sits
Whose face we hope to view.

There, in the grandest lodge of all,
Where angel anthems sound,
May we all gather when our work
No more on earth is found!
All have the Chief's high welcome then,
All speak the password sweet,
And clasp the friendly hand anew
Where all Good Templars meet!
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