On Reading a Novel

Sweet Ariel! Fancy's darling child,
Methinks I mark thy wand'rings wild,
As graceful in the Sylvan scene
Appears thy fair enchanting mien;
Soft “by the glimpses of the moon,”
It steals from night her horrors soon:
Not “making hideous”—like the form
Of wizard in the midnight storm;
But cheering, with a friendly power,
Ev'n Sorrow's dark sequester'd hour.
Such music to thy lute is given
As ev'n might suit the choir of Heaven!
For sweetly from its pliant strings
Celestial Peace its requiem brings,
And Virtue bids thro' ether float
Her soft and harmonizing note.—
Sweet A RIEL !—Guardian friend of Youth,
Can'st thou from Fiction, or from Truth?—
Though Fancy gave thy mantle blue,
And deckt thy wings with silver hue—
Tho' Fancy gave thy fair disguise,
We trace thy lineage from the skies.
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