To the Right Noble and Vertous Lord, Henry Earle of Southampton
Receaue (sweet Lord) with thy thrise-sacred hande
Which sacred muses make their instrument,
These worthlesse leaues, which I to thee present
Sprong from a rude and vnmanured lande:
That with your countenance grac'de, they may withstande
Hundred ey'de enuies rough encounterment,
Whose patronage can giue encouragement
To scorne back-wounding Zoilus his bande.
Voutch-safe (right vertuous Lord) with gracious eyes
Those heauenly lampes, which giue the muses light,
Which giue, and take in course (that holy fier)
To vewe my muse with your iudiciall sight,
Whom when time shall haue taught by flight to rise,
Shall to thy vertues of much worth aspyer.
Which sacred muses make their instrument,
These worthlesse leaues, which I to thee present
Sprong from a rude and vnmanured lande:
That with your countenance grac'de, they may withstande
Hundred ey'de enuies rough encounterment,
Whose patronage can giue encouragement
To scorne back-wounding Zoilus his bande.
Voutch-safe (right vertuous Lord) with gracious eyes
Those heauenly lampes, which giue the muses light,
Which giue, and take in course (that holy fier)
To vewe my muse with your iudiciall sight,
Whom when time shall haue taught by flight to rise,
Shall to thy vertues of much worth aspyer.
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