Rock Him to Sleep
Backward, speed backward, Oh! Ball, in your flight!
Make not an ass of yourself — (just for to-night;)
Pull the few silver threads out of your hair,
Fill up and varnish those furrows of care —
Care that was born of attempting Fame's steep,
Which you couldn't climb, Ball, whom none rocked to sleep.
O, Bally, come back from the echoing shore!
Cease for a season the public to bore
With your infamous rhymes and your stupid complaint,
For you know you are claiming to be that which you ain't.
Oh, drivel no more! — don't snuffle, don't weep —
Hang up your lyre, Ball — I'll rock you to sleep.
Now I give you this chance, and I'll give you no more:
For if ever again you offer to pour
From your stale, oozy fount of ineffable bosh
Any more rhyming arguments, Ball, that won't wash,
I'll say to those Westerners, " Rise! Of vengeance drink deep!
Rock him to sleep, boys, rock him to sleep. "
Make not an ass of yourself — (just for to-night;)
Pull the few silver threads out of your hair,
Fill up and varnish those furrows of care —
Care that was born of attempting Fame's steep,
Which you couldn't climb, Ball, whom none rocked to sleep.
O, Bally, come back from the echoing shore!
Cease for a season the public to bore
With your infamous rhymes and your stupid complaint,
For you know you are claiming to be that which you ain't.
Oh, drivel no more! — don't snuffle, don't weep —
Hang up your lyre, Ball — I'll rock you to sleep.
Now I give you this chance, and I'll give you no more:
For if ever again you offer to pour
From your stale, oozy fount of ineffable bosh
Any more rhyming arguments, Ball, that won't wash,
I'll say to those Westerners, " Rise! Of vengeance drink deep!
Rock him to sleep, boys, rock him to sleep. "
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