Sabbath Morning

How blest the Sabbath morning breaks
O'er island, continent, and deep!
How sweet the thrill of holy peace,
Whose pulses through the spirit creep!

All Nature wears a fairer hue;
The balmy wind more fragrant blows;
While the blue canopy above
Reflects and shares the glad repose.

The summer clouds that skirt the west,
Heaped on the far horizon's rim,
Seem like an angel choir at rest,
Intent to join earth's grateful hymn.

And thousands crowd from thousand homes,
In every land where man has trod;
The babe to lisp, and age to learn,
The wondrous works and ways of God.

Gather them in with loving zeal,
From South to North, from East to West,—
To Him whose loving arms embrace,
Whose loving voice proclaims them blest.
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