To the same after return upon receipt of a second token of Toba
To the same after return upon receipt of a second token of Toba[cco]
Whilst I desier your frendships understood
Phil: I protest I'm in a wood
Not in Dodonas grove
How all somere
That might present in Trees a Spher
With interwoven leavs
Though thence may be
Extracted sylvane sympathy
Nor in those shades our Forrests yet retain
To keep their guests from Being slain
For I am soe and more since thy kind hart
Doth stil fresh curtesies impart
Well then as from the root of love those spring
Lend me one branch or bough for covering.
Whilst I desier your frendships understood
Phil: I protest I'm in a wood
Not in Dodonas grove
How all somere
That might present in Trees a Spher
With interwoven leavs
Though thence may be
Extracted sylvane sympathy
Nor in those shades our Forrests yet retain
To keep their guests from Being slain
For I am soe and more since thy kind hart
Doth stil fresh curtesies impart
Well then as from the root of love those spring
Lend me one branch or bough for covering.
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