Second 7 of His Ladies Prayse, The. An Exhortation to the Reader to Come and See His Mistrisse Beautie. Sonet 1 -

Sonet 1.

Eyes curiouse to behold what nature can create
Come see come see and write what wonder yow doe see
Causing by true reporte oure next posteritye
Curse fortune for that they were borne to late.

Come then and come ye all, come soone least that
The tyme should be to shorte and men to few should be
For all be few to write her least parts historie
Though they should euer write and neuer write but that.

Millions looke on her eyes millions thinke on her witte
Millions speake of her [lip] millions write of her hand
The whole eye or the lip I doe not vnderstand
Millions to few to prayse but some one parte of it
As eyther of her ey or lip or hand to write
The light or blacke the tast or red the soft or white.
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