Seek Ye Whar The Burnie Travels
Seek ye whar the burnie travels,
Sullied wi' the simmer showers,
Whar the fairy hauds his revels
In the cleuch amang the flowers?
Seek ye there, free o' care
To dip the flowin' line,
Wi' skilfu' hand to wave the wand
An' dip the flowin' line!
Or mayhap, whar glen desertin'
Winds the river blue and braid;
Noo some quiet meadow skirtin',
Rinnin' noo anent the shade;
Seek ye there, &c.
Or amang the hills uncheery
Whar the mirk mere slumbers lorn,
An' his dirges lang and dreary
Pipes the grey whaup to the morn
Seek ye there, &c.
Seek ye whar the burnie travels,
Sullied wi' the simmer showers,
Whar the fairy hauds his revels
In the cleuch amang the flowers?
Seek ye there, free o' care
To dip the flowin' line,
Wi' skilfu' hand to wave the wand
An' dip the flowin' line!
Or mayhap, whar glen desertin'
Winds the river blue and braid;
Noo some quiet meadow skirtin',
Rinnin' noo anent the shade;
Seek ye there, &c.
Or amang the hills uncheery
Whar the mirk mere slumbers lorn,
An' his dirges lang and dreary
Pipes the grey whaup to the morn
Seek ye there, &c.
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