
My dreams shattered in the tense stillness
as endless threats and blows clothe my form
My stomach flutters in familiar fear
and I am ashamed of my weakness
My hope lies shattered in madness
cloaking my tender heart in bruises
as I choke on the bitterness of your deceit
Now I lie still, sedated by my sorrow
My spirit shattered with loneliness
when our love was forgotten
my companionship no longer wanted
and my wants and thoughts now worthless
Seeing this reality as I suffer silently
unable to accept our demise
My dreams shattered in the distance
of my most gentle memories
Hatred distorts your face and I cower
from the ugliness of your intent
and the horror of this truth
Our love shattered, built upon lies
As my heart plummets over the cliff
as my mind hides, seeking oblivion
death warms my icy blood
My spirit, too, is shattered by you
For you know not truth, know not kindness
Lies abound, and rage heats your blood
Leaving me in its wake

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