Of the Slander Envye Gives Him for So Highlye Praysing His Mistrisse. Sonet 7 -

Sonet 7.

Falselye doth envie of youre prayses blame
My tongue my pen my heart of flatterye
Because I sayd there was no sunne but thee
It call'd my tongue the partiall trumpe of fame.

And sayd my pen had flattered thy name
Because my pen did to my tongue agree
And needs my heart a flatterer must be
Which taught both tongue and pen to say the same.

No no I flatter not when I thee call
The sun: Sith sun in world was neuer such
But when the sun I thee compar'd withall
Doubtlesse the sun I flattered too much
Witnesse myne eyes I say the truth in this
They haue thee seene and know that so it is.
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