Slander of Women
Giul. They say the devil Snake did tempt the Woman!
But—ha, ha!—who—who tempted him to tempt?
Give me good answer there! Why, ' twas the Woman!
The Fiend had somewhat which did stir his blood,
(If blood he had,) some sting—some appetite.
The love of evil? Well, what caused the love?
What was 't that first begot the insane touch,
Which crept amidst his bright and rancorous scales?
What sight? or sound? or dream? 'Twas she —the Woman!
Still doth she act the serpent with our hearts:
Still doth she twine her 'round our hopes; and kill,
With venomous looks, and words as sharp as death,
All the world's pleasure!
Jac. They are constant to us—
Giul. They are as constant to their changing blood,
As the wild billow to the mounting moon!
No further. They come on,— swelling with ruin,
And overtake the quiet soul of man.
But—ha, ha!—who—who tempted him to tempt?
Give me good answer there! Why, ' twas the Woman!
The Fiend had somewhat which did stir his blood,
(If blood he had,) some sting—some appetite.
The love of evil? Well, what caused the love?
What was 't that first begot the insane touch,
Which crept amidst his bright and rancorous scales?
What sight? or sound? or dream? 'Twas she —the Woman!
Still doth she act the serpent with our hearts:
Still doth she twine her 'round our hopes; and kill,
With venomous looks, and words as sharp as death,
All the world's pleasure!
Jac. They are constant to us—
Giul. They are as constant to their changing blood,
As the wild billow to the mounting moon!
No further. They come on,— swelling with ruin,
And overtake the quiet soul of man.
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