Thou tremblest O my love! thy hand in mine
Is trembling like the moonlight on the deep.
Thou falterest: O have courage and incline
Thyself upon my bosom and there weep
Tears for the home thou leavest,
Tears for the hearts thou grievest,
Tears for the fate thou weavest;
Tears precious where they fall as wine
To wounded men, or water in the sands —
But come and turn thy smile on other lands —
Far from thy fading infancy —
Far from the palace of thy sires.
The old hearth fires,
And all that has been dear & sweet
Before I came to worship at thy feet.
Come and forget them all with me
Or bury them in memory;
Beloved, come! forsake them all,
And tremble not on thy light footfall
Before us shines the untempted sea,
Forsake them all & follow me.
Is trembling like the moonlight on the deep.
Thou falterest: O have courage and incline
Thyself upon my bosom and there weep
Tears for the home thou leavest,
Tears for the hearts thou grievest,
Tears for the fate thou weavest;
Tears precious where they fall as wine
To wounded men, or water in the sands —
But come and turn thy smile on other lands —
Far from thy fading infancy —
Far from the palace of thy sires.
The old hearth fires,
And all that has been dear & sweet
Before I came to worship at thy feet.
Come and forget them all with me
Or bury them in memory;
Beloved, come! forsake them all,
And tremble not on thy light footfall
Before us shines the untempted sea,
Forsake them all & follow me.
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