Song 6: The Song of Mary

My soul doth magnify the Lord,
And high his praise elate:
My spirit is with gladness stor'd,
In God my Saviour great.

For to his hand-maid's station mean,
He hath regard express'd;
And, lo! all ages yet unseen,
Shall henceforth call me bless'd.

For he that is the mighty One,
Hath done great things to me:
Most holy is his name alone,
And still ador'd shall be.

To them that fear him, and embrace
The truth that cannot fail;
His mercy is from race to race,
Transmitted by entail.

Strength with his arm God has displayed;
The proud he did confound;
Their projects to their hurt he made,
And to his praise redound.

The great and mighty from their thrones,
Soon hurry down did he:
But highly rais'd the humble ones,
That were of low degree.

The hungry with good things he fed,
And filled to their content;
Whereas the rich and full bestead
Away he empty sent.

He to his servant Isra'l kind,
Did give his helping hand,
And call'd his ancient love to mind,
Recorded in his band:

Which to our Father's race of old,
He did by oath secure,
To Abr'am and his seed enroll'd,
For ever to endure.

Long lay in his eternal breast
The promise of his son:
In thee shall nations all be bless'd,
Was said, and shall be done.
Author of original: 
Bible, N.T.
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