Song, A: In the Name of a Lover, to His Mistress; Who Said, She Hated Him For His Grey Hairs
I.O Hate me not for my Gray Hair,
Since you love still Variety,
The Black, the Red, the Brown, the Fair,
All in their Turns, delight your Eye;
Knots of two Colours, nay of three,
Can please you better, than of one;
My Party-colours then shou'd be,
Better than all White, or all Brown;
You, when a Garland, you wou'd make,
Not Flowers of the same Colour chuse;
But Various-colour'd ones wou'd take,
Change, but in me, you wou'd refuse;
Wou'd you a Bracelet weave, or brede,
You'd different-colour'd Ribbons take;
To set off your Hair of your Head,
With Powder Grey you make of Black;
You the Grey Morning us'd to love,
Which promis'd you Good Days and Bright;
Why then a Grey Head disapprove?
Promising you a Pleasant Night;
Then hate me not for my Grey Hairs,
Which are not so much mine, as thine;
Since caus'd but by the Grief and Cares,
Thy Love gave me, so thine, not mine.English
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