Sonnet 4. On the Return of Winter
Farewell , ye vales and woods, where late I stray'd
Careless, by Nature's bright profusion led,
And with the charming scene my fancy fed,
As rose the sun in purple mists array'd;
Or fondly mark'd through ev'ning's placid shade
The labour'd ox return with drooping head;
While, chear'd by village-bells, the ploughman sped
To his low cottage o'er the well-known glade.
Short is all human bliss! the smiling plain,
That breath'd delight and joy, now fading dies
At Winter's sullen blast. Yet why complain,
Or view the chearless scene with downcast eyes?
In Bliss the wand'ring passions scorn the rein,
But sober Grief instructs us to be wise.
Careless, by Nature's bright profusion led,
And with the charming scene my fancy fed,
As rose the sun in purple mists array'd;
Or fondly mark'd through ev'ning's placid shade
The labour'd ox return with drooping head;
While, chear'd by village-bells, the ploughman sped
To his low cottage o'er the well-known glade.
Short is all human bliss! the smiling plain,
That breath'd delight and joy, now fading dies
At Winter's sullen blast. Yet why complain,
Or view the chearless scene with downcast eyes?
In Bliss the wand'ring passions scorn the rein,
But sober Grief instructs us to be wise.
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