Sonnet 4. To the Vegetable World

Cool animation, hail! escap'd a while
From the hot scene where burns man's fever'd life;
Whose purple tides so oft impetuous boil,
Inflam'd with riot foul, and furious strife:
Refresh'd I view your life that calmly glows,
And its first innocence till death retains;
Whose purer blood for ever temperate flows
Through the chaste conduits of your finer veins.
Come here and cool, fierce Hate, and, Discord, come;
And learn of these so mild a life that lead:
And red Intemperance let 'em teach to bloom,
With their clear health on heav'n's fresh dews that feed.
Ne'er may my peaceful bosom, Nature, beat,
But with thy sober fires, and virtue's gentle heat.
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