Sonnet, With a Copy of Campbell's Poems

My dearest love, sole sweet'ner of my life,
Guide and companion through the world's rough way,
Upon this morning of the new year's day,
When, 'mid the winter agony and strife
Of warring winds, the joy-proclaiming fife
And the clear bells in gladsome concert play,
Bidding the sore-travailing earth be gay
For the sweet child new-born,—Oh! darling wife!
Let me too join the chorus of delight
That echoes now o'er mount and vale and stream.
For the new joys that round about me gleam,
Blessings be on thee, dearest, day and night!—
Take this fair book, its strains may wing Time's flight,
And with the Bard enjoy “Hope's” blissful dream!
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