Spanish Eyes

— Trust not black eyes' smile or frown,
And be coy of eyes of blue;
Glances of the chestnut brown
Are the only good and true. —

Street Song .

Thinkst thou I can trust thy pleading
With such singing in the town,
When in thy clear eyes I'm reading
Trust not black eyes' smile or frown?

Nor in thine whose eyes are shining
Starry for a love-clasp due,
Other warning they are signing, —
And be coy of eyes of blue,

One alone my heart entrances,
One with pining bends me down, —
She who turns the mellow glances,
Glances of the chestnut brown.

Hers that hold no trace of scheming
Nor cajoling in their hue;
Eyes that meet me in my dreaming
Are the only good and true.
Author of original: 
Montoto de Sedas
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