To Splendora Having Seene and Spoke with Her Through a Window

I looked, and through the window chanced to spye
my faire, I knew her by her sparckling eye,
from whence like lightning flew a flame so bright,
that it's reflection did amaze my sight;
shee lookt me thought, for she is all divine,
Like Venus shaddowed with a Christall shrine[.]

She whisperd too, but oh now comes my death
the glasse denyed a passage to her breath,
which worthiest only to perfume the place
where her selfe is, flew backe upon her face;
some catchd her haires, and hung dissolued like Dew
on floras Curles, when Summer is but new:

But hauing heard her talke, each sence was bound,
and her sweet voice strucke me into a swound;
Loues charmes at last were loosed, and I about
to see how I did looke by chance looked out,
when hauing through the window spyed my blisse
giue me said I noe Looking-glasse but this.
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