Say, what is life? A bubble and a dream;
A bulrush shaken by the northern blast;
The broken surface of a troubled stream;
A joyless journey in a barren waste:
(Hope's cheating meteor hangs on the extreme,
Decoys us forward, and misleads at last).
Blessed, I ween, the fav'rite happy sew,
Who get the easiest and the soonest thro'!
Say, what is virtue?—'Tis a faithful friend;
“A friend that sticketh closer than a brother;”
When life, and time, and vanity shall end,
Air, earth and water mix with one another;
Virtue (when thou the mighty ruin seest)
Shall harmonize thy soul, and steel thy manly breast,
Say, what is death?—An undisturb'd repose;
A plowman's siumber, gain'd by daily toil;
The sugar'd settlings of a bitter dose;
A bubbling fountain in a thirstly soil.
Say, what is life? A bubble and a dream;
A bulrush shaken by the northern blast;
The broken surface of a troubled stream;
A joyless journey in a barren waste:
(Hope's cheating meteor hangs on the extreme,
Decoys us forward, and misleads at last).
Blessed, I ween, the fav'rite happy sew,
Who get the easiest and the soonest thro'!
Say, what is virtue?—'Tis a faithful friend;
“A friend that sticketh closer than a brother;”
When life, and time, and vanity shall end,
Air, earth and water mix with one another;
Virtue (when thou the mighty ruin seest)
Shall harmonize thy soul, and steel thy manly breast,
Say, what is death?—An undisturb'd repose;
A plowman's siumber, gain'd by daily toil;
The sugar'd settlings of a bitter dose;
A bubbling fountain in a thirstly soil.
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