The Steeple

Our forbears saw the Steeple
Stand bold against the blue,
A landmark to the people
Who sought for porch and pew;
And while that tall spire bade them
To prayer and praise withdraw,
How it might further aid them
Our sporting fathers saw.

So when men matched their horses
To gallop fast and far,
Before the days of courses
Built up with birch and bar,
That needle cloud-embordered
Our fathers chose for guide,
And dropped the flag and ordered:
‘Straight for the Steeple—ride!’

Now, o'er the hamlet houses
We watch the lifted spire,
And in each heart it rouses
Some old and smouldering fire;
And many cheery people,
Though far removed from grace,
Look kindly on the Steeple,
That gave the Steeple-chase.
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