The Story of Elymas the Sorcerer
Next to th' Apostle of the Gentiles turn,
How do his Eyes with Indignation burn?
In his warm Cheeks, what angry Colours glow,
What threat'ning Clouds fit gather'd on his Brow?
Whilst the Magician with a curst Design,
Obstructs the heav'nly Light and Truth Divine,
Which Paul on noble Sergius did display,
To chase Infernal Pagan Shades away,
And o'er his Mind diffuse celestial Day.
See to chastise audacious Elymas ,
Austerely looking on the Sorcerer's Face,
He do's his Wonder-working Pow'r assume,
And strikes th' Impostor Blind, to strike him Dumb.
Thick Darkness on the Necromancer fell,
Like that upon his Soul, or that in Hell.
Scales made of Mists condens'd and solid Shade,
Repel the Beams, which his lost Sight invade;
This sable Curtain blunts the keenest Ray,
And still unpierc'd reverberates the Day.
The Sorcerer's Mien so justly is design'd,
His Face conceal'd, his Limbs will shew him blind:
With groping Hands to feel his Way he tries,
For Hands and Feet are now his only Eyes.
There Sergius seiz'd with decent Wonder sits,
Such as a great and noble Mind befits.
From the Magician' s Blindness he receives
His Intellectual Sight, and then believes.
Thus from the Shade that on the Sorc'rer lies,
On the wise Roman , Rays celestial rise.
So in Creation, when the Infant Light,
To try its golden Wings first took its Flight,
The gentle Beams, that did around display
The tender Seeds and Rudiments of Day,
Sprang smiling from the dark Chaotick Gloom,
And broke from ancient Night's reluctant Womb.
What Consternation, what Excess of Fear,
In all the Figures standing round appear?
Their Postures represent their just Surprize,
They wonder with their Hands, their Lips and Eyes.
Strong Marks of Admiration all betray,
All are amaz'd, but in a diff'rent Way.
How do his Eyes with Indignation burn?
In his warm Cheeks, what angry Colours glow,
What threat'ning Clouds fit gather'd on his Brow?
Whilst the Magician with a curst Design,
Obstructs the heav'nly Light and Truth Divine,
Which Paul on noble Sergius did display,
To chase Infernal Pagan Shades away,
And o'er his Mind diffuse celestial Day.
See to chastise audacious Elymas ,
Austerely looking on the Sorcerer's Face,
He do's his Wonder-working Pow'r assume,
And strikes th' Impostor Blind, to strike him Dumb.
Thick Darkness on the Necromancer fell,
Like that upon his Soul, or that in Hell.
Scales made of Mists condens'd and solid Shade,
Repel the Beams, which his lost Sight invade;
This sable Curtain blunts the keenest Ray,
And still unpierc'd reverberates the Day.
The Sorcerer's Mien so justly is design'd,
His Face conceal'd, his Limbs will shew him blind:
With groping Hands to feel his Way he tries,
For Hands and Feet are now his only Eyes.
There Sergius seiz'd with decent Wonder sits,
Such as a great and noble Mind befits.
From the Magician' s Blindness he receives
His Intellectual Sight, and then believes.
Thus from the Shade that on the Sorc'rer lies,
On the wise Roman , Rays celestial rise.
So in Creation, when the Infant Light,
To try its golden Wings first took its Flight,
The gentle Beams, that did around display
The tender Seeds and Rudiments of Day,
Sprang smiling from the dark Chaotick Gloom,
And broke from ancient Night's reluctant Womb.
What Consternation, what Excess of Fear,
In all the Figures standing round appear?
Their Postures represent their just Surprize,
They wonder with their Hands, their Lips and Eyes.
Strong Marks of Admiration all betray,
All are amaz'd, but in a diff'rent Way.
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