A Summons to Frank Beumonts Gost
A Summons to Frank Beumonts Gost upon reviving one of his owld playes
Beaumont arise slumber no more in Clay
It's Lawfull to revive a good owld play
Heere such a one from thy Prophetick Vaine
A King and no King's acted ore againe
Whilst Cap and Knees cheap loyalty doe poynt
A Soveraigne whose power out of joynt's
Bereft of strength, yet like a legg or arme
Which are noe less the same for any harme
Through mischance this Majestie still bears
The stampe of his renown'd Anchesters
For Trumpets sound then enter King with ease
And Ratefie what ere thy Subjects pleas
By a great suit greatness is understood
Then here wee may conclude noe ebb, but flood
A full high sea which from the Deeps belch forth
Soe many Pibbles stones, and shells of worth
As crave his stooping to, whilst they begett
The Private strictness of a Cabbinet
Opend for wonder sake, then shut againe
Nor as himselfe pleases but as his Train
Where nothing can distinguish him a hayre
From them but as the stage allowes a chayre
And guards afore and after which relate
To Prince and match captivitie to state
Yet in this Dreame he (Patience tryd) snores out
In hopes (spectators weary) t'bring about
An other scene wher in the world to show
His Kingdomes loss is his own overthrow
And therefore to maintaine himselfe and them
Resolved is against all streams to stem
Advise the contrary and gives consent
To's minds concurrence with his Parlement
Things once thus brought to pass (if I but durst)
I would conclude Exit K. Charles the first
Some playes like Ladies would implore
A Prologue usher them before
To speak the greatness of the Plott
Here such prevention needs not
This is of that transcendent skill
It goes for good though acted ill
Nor Revel Masters place nor those
Call'd the Townes witts once dare t'oppos
It doth in Bishops posture sitt
And silence every Cittrick witt
The Scoape thereof both sets apart
And sequesters the Cream of art
Soe that all expectations tend
To nothing now but t'marke the end
Which if good her'l be noe cause
For Epilogue to beg applause
(Worth will reward it selfe) but base
Will alter quite the skoals and case
Whilst Baldnesse needs a Perrewigg
Clownes will not laugh without A Jigg.
Beaumont arise slumber no more in Clay
It's Lawfull to revive a good owld play
Heere such a one from thy Prophetick Vaine
A King and no King's acted ore againe
Whilst Cap and Knees cheap loyalty doe poynt
A Soveraigne whose power out of joynt's
Bereft of strength, yet like a legg or arme
Which are noe less the same for any harme
Through mischance this Majestie still bears
The stampe of his renown'd Anchesters
For Trumpets sound then enter King with ease
And Ratefie what ere thy Subjects pleas
By a great suit greatness is understood
Then here wee may conclude noe ebb, but flood
A full high sea which from the Deeps belch forth
Soe many Pibbles stones, and shells of worth
As crave his stooping to, whilst they begett
The Private strictness of a Cabbinet
Opend for wonder sake, then shut againe
Nor as himselfe pleases but as his Train
Where nothing can distinguish him a hayre
From them but as the stage allowes a chayre
And guards afore and after which relate
To Prince and match captivitie to state
Yet in this Dreame he (Patience tryd) snores out
In hopes (spectators weary) t'bring about
An other scene wher in the world to show
His Kingdomes loss is his own overthrow
And therefore to maintaine himselfe and them
Resolved is against all streams to stem
Advise the contrary and gives consent
To's minds concurrence with his Parlement
Things once thus brought to pass (if I but durst)
I would conclude Exit K. Charles the first
Some playes like Ladies would implore
A Prologue usher them before
To speak the greatness of the Plott
Here such prevention needs not
This is of that transcendent skill
It goes for good though acted ill
Nor Revel Masters place nor those
Call'd the Townes witts once dare t'oppos
It doth in Bishops posture sitt
And silence every Cittrick witt
The Scoape thereof both sets apart
And sequesters the Cream of art
Soe that all expectations tend
To nothing now but t'marke the end
Which if good her'l be noe cause
For Epilogue to beg applause
(Worth will reward it selfe) but base
Will alter quite the skoals and case
Whilst Baldnesse needs a Perrewigg
Clownes will not laugh without A Jigg.
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