Swiftness of TIme
Days and moments quickly flying,
Blend the living with the dead;
Soon will you and I be lying
Each within our narrow bed.
Soon our souls, to God who gave them,
Will have sped their rapid flight; —
Able now by grace to save them,
O, that while we can we might!
Jesu, infinite Redeemer,
Maker of this mighty frame!
Teach, O teach us to remember
What we are, and whence we came;
Whence we came, and whither wending,
Soon we must through darkness go,
To inherit bliss unending,
Or eternity of woe.
Blend the living with the dead;
Soon will you and I be lying
Each within our narrow bed.
Soon our souls, to God who gave them,
Will have sped their rapid flight; —
Able now by grace to save them,
O, that while we can we might!
Jesu, infinite Redeemer,
Maker of this mighty frame!
Teach, O teach us to remember
What we are, and whence we came;
Whence we came, and whither wending,
Soon we must through darkness go,
To inherit bliss unending,
Or eternity of woe.
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