The Temple of the Holy Ghost

Lord! what an humble God art Thou,
Thus to descend
And be my friend,
Yea, more then friend, mine inmate now?

Dost not enough Thyself abase,
To look on me,
But I must be
Thy temple and Thy dwelling-place?

This my vile body Thou dost take,
And thinkest fit
To honour it,
And for Thy use a house it make.

Henceforth I'l prize this house of Thine
At a high rate,
Being consecrate
To Thee, and count it no more mine.

Nor any part thereof shall be
An instrument
To sin, but bent
In holy wayes to wait on Thee.

The windowes in 't shall be mine eyes,
Through which I'l see
My God, Thou me;
My tongue shall offer sacrifice.

My lips the calves which I will pay
To Thee my Lord,
And every word
Well-weigh'd I'l on Thine altar lay,

My lungs the bellowes which shall blow
The holy fire
Of my desire,
Till to a lively flame it grow.

My prayer as incense shall ascend,
And every room
In me perfume,
That no ill savour Thee offend.

My heart shall be the holocaust,
My hands shall bring
An offering
And all shall serve the Holy Ghost.
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