Think of Me, Dearest

Think of me, dearest, when day is breaking
Away from the sable chains of night,
When the sun, his ocean-couch forsaking,
Like a giant first in strength awaking,
Is flinging abroad his limbs of light;
As the breeze that first travels with morning forth,
Giving life to her steps o'er the quickening earth —
As the dream that has cheated thy soul through the night,
Let me come fresh in thy thoughts with the light.

Think of me, dearest, when day is sinking
In the soft embrace of twilight gray,
When the starry eyes of heaven are winking,
And the weary flowers their tears are drinking,
As they start like gems on the star-lit spray.
Let me come warm in thy thoughts at eve,
As the glowing track which the sunbeams leave,
When they, blushing, tremble along the deep
While stealing away to their place of sleep.

Think of me, dearest, when round thee smiling
Are eyes that melt while they gaze on thee;
When words are winning and looks are wiling,
And those words and looks, of others , beguiling
Thy fluttering heart from love and me.
Let me come, true in thy thoughts in that hour;
Let my trust and my faith — my devotion — have power,
When all that can lure to thy young soul is nearest,
To summon each truant thought back to me, dearest.
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