Thomas Carlyle

Gone, the Hero-worshipper,
To the land where heroes live!
One more star is in the heavens,
And one less has earth to give.

“He has lived his life,” men say,
Yet his spirit knows not age;
Skyward longing, it has burst,
Like an eagle, from its cage!

No more mighty blows of Thought,
Roughly worded, tender-hearted!
Ah, that scholars knew their love
Ere the Teacher had departed!

Poet, too, who saw more beauty
Than his critics ever rhymed!
They, like beasts the farmer feedeth,
Shook the ladder which he climbed!

Mourn him not in lines dolorous,
He needs not a single tear;
In the place we dream of, o'er us,
He is more at home than here.

Goethe, Dante there will meet him,
And his own melodious brother,
Robert Burns, who waits to greet him,
Worthy son of Scotland Mother!

Royal spirit, take thy rest!
Thou art richer, we are poorer;
Yet because thou hast been with us
Life is manlier, Heaven surer.
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