Thomas Sackevyll in Commendation of the Worke to the Reader

These royall kinges, that reare up to the skye
Their Palaice tops and decke them all with gold:
With rare and curious woorkes they feed the eye:
And showe what riches here great princes hold.
A rarer worke, and richer far in worth,
Castilio's hand presenteth here to the,
No proud ne golden court doth he set forth
But what in Court a Courtier ought to be.
The Prince he raiseth houge and mightie walles,
Castilio frames a wight of noble fame:
The King with gorgeous Tyssue claddes his halles,
The Court with golden vertue deckes the same,
Whos passing skill lo Hobbies pen displaise
To Brittain folk, a work of worthy praise.
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