Thorp Pallace a Miracle
Thorp Pallace a Miracle
Who so desiers, that, earnestly to see
The statued marbles of Antiquety
And wher with Times past Impt the wings of Fame
Ambitious is to Celebrate the same
Let Him to Longthorpe goe ther He may find
Subject enough to satiate His mind
Ther stand such Trophies wher in He'l descry
The Lively Figures of Owld History
Whither H'observes Huntsman Adonis ther
And by him Venus Mirtle growing neer
Or else the Thunder God with threatning hand
Not far from Whom the Sturdy Oake doth stand
Cratippus represented Heer as one
Was Athens Glory Moveless now as Ston
And therfore noe Paripatetikon
Ther a Roomes Fencer whose stern Lookes strike fear
Allthough He hath noe sword to hurt with there
And in the midst of These soe wondrous Great
And Bewtifull Faire Livia takes her seat:
Not wearied with walking (as we talk)
But Labours Hercules o'th'right hand walke
As Gardian stands (the Dragon killd) ore these
And solely now protects Hesperides
And that these Earthly Trophys reach the Sky
Behould o'th'Stayrs ther's winged Mercury.
On the left hand some water nimphs ther are
Who Grace a spring Cleerer than Cristall far
Upon whose Brinke both heer and ther in Lines
The Fir trees growe being set with Guarden Pines
On evry side such Unety befell it
That I Judg ther is nothing can Excell it
And yet these All must yeild and Servants be
Unto the Pallace, Uniformety
Sitting in Triumph ore them, and the Roomes
Enricht within with such Encomiomes
Asthat whilst we this one peece would Compare
To th'Roman Circus, Ampitheater
Niles Piramids parts of the wonders seaven
We must add this to make that number even.
Who so desiers, that, earnestly to see
The statued marbles of Antiquety
And wher with Times past Impt the wings of Fame
Ambitious is to Celebrate the same
Let Him to Longthorpe goe ther He may find
Subject enough to satiate His mind
Ther stand such Trophies wher in He'l descry
The Lively Figures of Owld History
Whither H'observes Huntsman Adonis ther
And by him Venus Mirtle growing neer
Or else the Thunder God with threatning hand
Not far from Whom the Sturdy Oake doth stand
Cratippus represented Heer as one
Was Athens Glory Moveless now as Ston
And therfore noe Paripatetikon
Ther a Roomes Fencer whose stern Lookes strike fear
Allthough He hath noe sword to hurt with there
And in the midst of These soe wondrous Great
And Bewtifull Faire Livia takes her seat:
Not wearied with walking (as we talk)
But Labours Hercules o'th'right hand walke
As Gardian stands (the Dragon killd) ore these
And solely now protects Hesperides
And that these Earthly Trophys reach the Sky
Behould o'th'Stayrs ther's winged Mercury.
On the left hand some water nimphs ther are
Who Grace a spring Cleerer than Cristall far
Upon whose Brinke both heer and ther in Lines
The Fir trees growe being set with Guarden Pines
On evry side such Unety befell it
That I Judg ther is nothing can Excell it
And yet these All must yeild and Servants be
Unto the Pallace, Uniformety
Sitting in Triumph ore them, and the Roomes
Enricht within with such Encomiomes
Asthat whilst we this one peece would Compare
To th'Roman Circus, Ampitheater
Niles Piramids parts of the wonders seaven
We must add this to make that number even.
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