Though Humble My Lot
Air—Her sheep had in clusters.Where primroses spring on the green tufted brae,
And the riv'let runs murm'ring below,
O Fortune, at morning, or noon, let me stray,
And thy wealth on thy vot'ries bestow!
For, O how enraptur'd my bosom does glow!
As calmly I wander alane,
Where wild woods, and bushes, and primroses grow,
And a streamlet enlivens the scene.
Though humble my lot, not ignoble's my state,
Let me still be contented though poor;
What Destiny brings, be resigned to my fate,
Though Misfortune should knock at my door.
I care not for honour, preferment, nor wealth,
Nor the titles that Affluence yields,
While blythely I roam, in the hey-day of health,
'Midst the charms of my dear native fields.English
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