Thy Praise, O God, in Zion Waits

1. Thy praise, O God, in Zion waits;
All flesh shall crowd thy sacred gates,
To offer sacrifice and prayer And
To offer sacri-
To offer sacrifice and prayer, And pay their willing
To offer sacrifice and prayer. And pay their willing
pay their willing homage there And pay
fice and prayer. And pay
homage there, And pay their
homage there, And pay
willing homage there. there.

2. Blessed is the man approved by thee,
And brought thy holy courts to see!
Goodness, immense and unconfined
Shall largely feast his longing mind.

3. Great God, by the Almighty hand,
The everlasting mountains stand;
And every storm, and every flood,
Obey thy all-commanding nod.

4. From thy vast, inexhausted stores,
The earth is blessed with kindly showers;
And savage wilds and deserts drear,
Confess thee, Father of the year.

5. The flocks which graze the mountains' brow,
The corn which clothes the plains below,
To every heart new transports bring,
And hills and vales rejoice and sing.
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