Tom Tiler, Tom Tiler
Tom Tiler, Tom Tiler
More morter for Tom Tiler. Strife singeth this staff:
As many as match themselves with shrowes,
May hap to carry away the blows,
Tom Tiler, Tom Tiler.
As many a tide both ebbs and flows,
So many a misfortune comes and goes,
Tom Tiler, Tom Tiler. Tipple singeth this staff:
Though Tilers climb the house to tile,
They must come down another while,
Tom Tiler, Tom Tiler.
Though many a one do seem to smile,
When geese do wink, they mean some guile,
Tom Tiler, Tom Tiler. Sturdy singeth this staff:
Though Tom be stout, and Tom be strong,
Though Tom be large, and Tom be long,
Tom Tiler, Tom Tiler.
Tom hath a wife will take no wrong
But teach her Tom another song.
Tom Tiler, Tom Tiler.
More morter for Tom Tiler. Strife singeth this staff:
As many as match themselves with shrowes,
May hap to carry away the blows,
Tom Tiler, Tom Tiler.
As many a tide both ebbs and flows,
So many a misfortune comes and goes,
Tom Tiler, Tom Tiler. Tipple singeth this staff:
Though Tilers climb the house to tile,
They must come down another while,
Tom Tiler, Tom Tiler.
Though many a one do seem to smile,
When geese do wink, they mean some guile,
Tom Tiler, Tom Tiler. Sturdy singeth this staff:
Though Tom be stout, and Tom be strong,
Though Tom be large, and Tom be long,
Tom Tiler, Tom Tiler.
Tom hath a wife will take no wrong
But teach her Tom another song.
Tom Tiler, Tom Tiler.
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