Tragic Poem of Wold, The - Act 4, Scene 1


Scene I. — The Mouth of Afra's Gave .

A FRA , striking her harp .

A FRA . Feuds, bloody vows, ill-omened love, revenge,
Treason, rebellion, war, the staff of bread
Broken in the land, echoes of falling thrones,
Kings — Heard ye that? Wa! Wa!
'Twas the dull stroke of the brain-smiting axe:
See! see! they've staggered him — he's down — 'tis Richard!
Yon son, yon mother, wrestling in their blood,
Behold them too! All this crowds thick upon us,
That the great Wizard's word, forth against Wold,
May have fulfilment. The Fulfilment's near.
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