Ungrateful Farmers of the Muses land
Vngratefull Farmers of the Muses land
That (wanting thrift and iudgment to imploy it)
Let it manureles and vnfenced stand,
Till barbarous Cattell enter and destroy it:
Now the true heyre is happily found out
Who (framing it t'inritch posterities)
Walles it with spright-fild darknes round about,
Grass, plants, and sowes; and makes it Paradise.
To which without the Parcaes golden bow,
None can aspire but stick in errors hell;
A garland to engird a Monarchs brow,
Then take some paines to ioy so rich a Iewell
Most prize is graspt in labors hardest hand,
And idle soules can nothing rich command.
Vngratefull Farmers of the Muses land
That (wanting thrift and iudgment to imploy it)
Let it manureles and vnfenced stand,
Till barbarous Cattell enter and destroy it:
Now the true heyre is happily found out
Who (framing it t'inritch posterities)
Walles it with spright-fild darknes round about,
Grass, plants, and sowes; and makes it Paradise.
To which without the Parcaes golden bow,
None can aspire but stick in errors hell;
A garland to engird a Monarchs brow,
Then take some paines to ioy so rich a Iewell
Most prize is graspt in labors hardest hand,
And idle soules can nothing rich command.
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