Upon Divine Love

How strong is love! what tongue expresse it can,
Or heart conceive, since it made God a man?
How strong is love! which made the God-man dye,
That man might live with God eternally?
Lord! let this love of Thine my heart inspire
With love again, as sparks rise from the fire.
Thy love's a sun, give me a beam from thence,
Which may both light and heat alike dispence,
Light to direct others the surest way
That leads to heaven and everlasting joy:
Heat to preserve in me a constant motion
Of fervent zeal to Thee, and pure devotion;
That all my thoughts, words, actions, may prove
There is no passion half so strong as love.
A passion is't? a divine vertue rather,
Which from a deity springs, and calls God Father;
Yea, love is God, and God is love: O then
Adore, but not profane it with thy pen!
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