Upward, Onward

Upward, Onward are our watchwords,
Let the winds blow good or ill;
Though the skies be calm or stormy,
These shall be our watchwords still.

Upward, Onward in the battle,
Waged for freedom and the right;
Never resting, never weary,
Till a victory crowns the fight.

Waking every morn to duty,
Ere the daylight fades away;
Let some deed for human progress,
Crown the labors of the day.

Upward, Onward, pressing forward,
'Till monoplies shall fall:
'Till the flag that floats above us
Equal rights proclaims to all.

Lo! a better day is dawning,
Brighter prospects ope before;
Spread your banner to the breezes,
Upward, Onward, evermore.
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