Vechan's Birthday
Aw, Vechan, 'tis your birthday;
I'm longin' for 'ee, dear;
To think the place is full of 'ee,
And yet you are not here;
To think how plain I see 'ee,
And hear 'ee all the day—
But when I go to speak to 'ee,
To find you are away!
It seems so short a time ago
I had 'ee at my breast;
I sang my little songs to 'ee
And hushed 'ee off to rest;
And then I set 'ee in your bed
And watched your eyes go home,
For there was bakin' to be done
And washin' up the cloam.
But aw, my Vechan darling,
Your Mammy thinks to-day
If once she had 'ee in her arms
The world might go its way—
If once she had 'ee back again
She'd be afraid to stir,
Lest she should turn and look for 'ee
And find you wasn't there.
Aw, Vechan, Vechan, darling,
There's times come back to me,
When Mammy she was busy
And spoke out sharp to 'ee;
I see again those tearful eyes,
I hear the quivering sigh,
And like a ghost it haunts my soul,
My little Vechan's cry!
Aw, could I but go back again
And have 'ee here with me,
What tenderness, my awn dear maid,
What love I'd bring to 'ee;
What joy I'd count it if I could
By look, and words, and ways,
With song and sunshine fill your soul,
With sweetness fill your days.
My arms are tight about 'ee,
As I dream of 'ee by night;
And when I wake without 'ee, chull,
I start up in a fright.
And scores of times, my awn dear maid—
I can't tell how I hear—
I wake myself with calling 'ee,
“Aw, Vechan, Vechan, dear!”
There's times that I remember—
How I wish they'd come again!
When I'd got 'ee wrapped against me,
All sheltered from the rain;
The basket it was heavy
As I went along the road,
And your Mammy's arms was achin',
For you was a tidy load.
I'd go that way all gladly,
And count that heaven was here,
If I could ache like that again,
With that sweet load, my dear;
For though I'm bidin' quiet
Beside the cottage door.
Your Mammy's heart is achin',
The emptiness weighs more.
But 'tis a shame, my Vechan,
Your Mammy should be sad.
I think of him who loves 'ee well,
And then my heart is glad;
And then my soul doth bless the Lord,
That when your Mammy's gone,
The love of his brave heart will hold
My Vechan for his awn.
I'm longin' for 'ee, dear;
To think the place is full of 'ee,
And yet you are not here;
To think how plain I see 'ee,
And hear 'ee all the day—
But when I go to speak to 'ee,
To find you are away!
It seems so short a time ago
I had 'ee at my breast;
I sang my little songs to 'ee
And hushed 'ee off to rest;
And then I set 'ee in your bed
And watched your eyes go home,
For there was bakin' to be done
And washin' up the cloam.
But aw, my Vechan darling,
Your Mammy thinks to-day
If once she had 'ee in her arms
The world might go its way—
If once she had 'ee back again
She'd be afraid to stir,
Lest she should turn and look for 'ee
And find you wasn't there.
Aw, Vechan, Vechan, darling,
There's times come back to me,
When Mammy she was busy
And spoke out sharp to 'ee;
I see again those tearful eyes,
I hear the quivering sigh,
And like a ghost it haunts my soul,
My little Vechan's cry!
Aw, could I but go back again
And have 'ee here with me,
What tenderness, my awn dear maid,
What love I'd bring to 'ee;
What joy I'd count it if I could
By look, and words, and ways,
With song and sunshine fill your soul,
With sweetness fill your days.
My arms are tight about 'ee,
As I dream of 'ee by night;
And when I wake without 'ee, chull,
I start up in a fright.
And scores of times, my awn dear maid—
I can't tell how I hear—
I wake myself with calling 'ee,
“Aw, Vechan, Vechan, dear!”
There's times that I remember—
How I wish they'd come again!
When I'd got 'ee wrapped against me,
All sheltered from the rain;
The basket it was heavy
As I went along the road,
And your Mammy's arms was achin',
For you was a tidy load.
I'd go that way all gladly,
And count that heaven was here,
If I could ache like that again,
With that sweet load, my dear;
For though I'm bidin' quiet
Beside the cottage door.
Your Mammy's heart is achin',
The emptiness weighs more.
But 'tis a shame, my Vechan,
Your Mammy should be sad.
I think of him who loves 'ee well,
And then my heart is glad;
And then my soul doth bless the Lord,
That when your Mammy's gone,
The love of his brave heart will hold
My Vechan for his awn.
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