Version of Paraphrase of the Psalm, A - Psalm 103
My Soul, throughout thine inmost frame,
Bless, bless the great Jehovah 's Name;
Cense not with studious thought to trace
The Acts of his stupendous Grace.
He blots from Heav'n's record thy sin,
And, though thy passions war within,
Assuasive calms their furious strife,
And rescues from the pit thy life;
He bids his blessings round thee rise;
Thy ev'ry wish with Good supplies;
Thy years renews in their decline;
And makes the Eagle's vigour thine.
'Tis God's, the friendless and the poor
From proud Oppression to secure,
Their wants attentive to perceive,
And, ever faithful, to relieve.
His ways to Moses stood reveal'd;
Thou, Israel , hast his Works beheld,
His breast with mercy fraught hast known,
To anger slow, to pity prone.
He ne'er with erring mortals knew
A ceaseless contest to pursue,
But, when their crimes his vengeance raise,
His wrath in mid effusion stays.
If e'er our trespass he chastise,
Not to its weight proportion'd rise
The just corrections of his hand,
But bounded by his Mercy stand:
That Mercy to the starry pole
Extends; and, far as from his goal
The Sun in daily circuit rover,
The humbled sinner's guilt removes.
What fondness for his infant Care
A Father's bosom learns to share,
Such from th' eternal Monarch claim
The Souls that rev'rent own his Name.
For well his eye our texture knows;
Sees that the dust's light grains compose
Our frame; and marks the days of Man
Contracted to a narrow span;
How short, how transient is its date!
As flow'rs, that in their vig'rous state
Exalted, now the field adorn,
And now by passing storms are torn:
Behold the rip'ning herb decay,
Each flow'r, its vigour reft away
At once its vernal pride resigns,
And with'ring on the earth reclines:
In swift decay behold it waste;
Nor knows the soil, whose bed it grac'd,
To witness to th' inquirer's view,
Where late the short-liv'd wonder grew
But Thy Compassions, Lord, the Just
From age to age with stedfalt trust
Shall own, and, fill'd with holy flame,
Thy care and tenderness proclaim:
Thy Righteousness their favour'd Race,
In long descent, shall joy to trace,
While pleas'd thy Compact they fulfil,
And frame to thy Decrees their will.
His Seat above th' empyreal plain
Our God has fix'd; his equal Reign
Creation's utmost bounds confess,
And, blest in him, their Maker bless.
O magnify your heav'nly King,
His praise, ye tribes angelic, sing,
Who, cloth'd with might, his word obey,
And wing, as He directs, your way.
Him praise, ye bright ethereal Band,
That rang'd beneath his banner stand,
And Ye who round his Throne of State
With duteous zeal ministrant wait.
Ye Works of God, where'er his sway
Extends, your Maker's fame display;
Nor Thou, my Soul, forget to sing
The Mercies of th' eternal King.
My Soul, throughout thine inmost frame,
Bless, bless the great Jehovah 's Name;
Cense not with studious thought to trace
The Acts of his stupendous Grace.
He blots from Heav'n's record thy sin,
And, though thy passions war within,
Assuasive calms their furious strife,
And rescues from the pit thy life;
He bids his blessings round thee rise;
Thy ev'ry wish with Good supplies;
Thy years renews in their decline;
And makes the Eagle's vigour thine.
'Tis God's, the friendless and the poor
From proud Oppression to secure,
Their wants attentive to perceive,
And, ever faithful, to relieve.
His ways to Moses stood reveal'd;
Thou, Israel , hast his Works beheld,
His breast with mercy fraught hast known,
To anger slow, to pity prone.
He ne'er with erring mortals knew
A ceaseless contest to pursue,
But, when their crimes his vengeance raise,
His wrath in mid effusion stays.
If e'er our trespass he chastise,
Not to its weight proportion'd rise
The just corrections of his hand,
But bounded by his Mercy stand:
That Mercy to the starry pole
Extends; and, far as from his goal
The Sun in daily circuit rover,
The humbled sinner's guilt removes.
What fondness for his infant Care
A Father's bosom learns to share,
Such from th' eternal Monarch claim
The Souls that rev'rent own his Name.
For well his eye our texture knows;
Sees that the dust's light grains compose
Our frame; and marks the days of Man
Contracted to a narrow span;
How short, how transient is its date!
As flow'rs, that in their vig'rous state
Exalted, now the field adorn,
And now by passing storms are torn:
Behold the rip'ning herb decay,
Each flow'r, its vigour reft away
At once its vernal pride resigns,
And with'ring on the earth reclines:
In swift decay behold it waste;
Nor knows the soil, whose bed it grac'd,
To witness to th' inquirer's view,
Where late the short-liv'd wonder grew
But Thy Compassions, Lord, the Just
From age to age with stedfalt trust
Shall own, and, fill'd with holy flame,
Thy care and tenderness proclaim:
Thy Righteousness their favour'd Race,
In long descent, shall joy to trace,
While pleas'd thy Compact they fulfil,
And frame to thy Decrees their will.
His Seat above th' empyreal plain
Our God has fix'd; his equal Reign
Creation's utmost bounds confess,
And, blest in him, their Maker bless.
O magnify your heav'nly King,
His praise, ye tribes angelic, sing,
Who, cloth'd with might, his word obey,
And wing, as He directs, your way.
Him praise, ye bright ethereal Band,
That rang'd beneath his banner stand,
And Ye who round his Throne of State
With duteous zeal ministrant wait.
Ye Works of God, where'er his sway
Extends, your Maker's fame display;
Nor Thou, my Soul, forget to sing
The Mercies of th' eternal King.
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