Version of Paraphrase of the Psalm, A - Psalm 13
How long shall I, my God, in vain,
Prest by a weight of griefs, complain?
Say, shall I sink in deep despair,
For ever banish'd from thy care?
Condemn'd thy absent beams to mourn
Still to divided counsels turn
My lab'ring thought, and hear the foe
Exulting triumph in my woe?
Thy Suppliant's voice attentive weigh,
And bid, O bid, thy heav'nly ray
With healing influence o'er me rise,
Ere death's dark slumber close my eyes.
What Transport would my Fall impart,
To each incens'd Opposer's Heart,
Who would his utmost Art address
The Friend of Peace and Truth t' oppress!
" Behold, " the hostile tongue would cry,
" Beneath my feet behold him lie,
" The wretch that, hasting to his end,
" With pow'r superior durst contend. "
But, while their ceaseless threats I hear,
Thy mercy, Lord, dispels my fear;
My hopes on thy Salvation rest,
And fill with conscious joy my breast.
Well pleas'd that mercy to proclaim,
To Thee, instinct with holy flame,
To Thee my tongue from day to day
Shall meditate the grateful lay.
How long shall I, my God, in vain,
Prest by a weight of griefs, complain?
Say, shall I sink in deep despair,
For ever banish'd from thy care?
Condemn'd thy absent beams to mourn
Still to divided counsels turn
My lab'ring thought, and hear the foe
Exulting triumph in my woe?
Thy Suppliant's voice attentive weigh,
And bid, O bid, thy heav'nly ray
With healing influence o'er me rise,
Ere death's dark slumber close my eyes.
What Transport would my Fall impart,
To each incens'd Opposer's Heart,
Who would his utmost Art address
The Friend of Peace and Truth t' oppress!
" Behold, " the hostile tongue would cry,
" Beneath my feet behold him lie,
" The wretch that, hasting to his end,
" With pow'r superior durst contend. "
But, while their ceaseless threats I hear,
Thy mercy, Lord, dispels my fear;
My hopes on thy Salvation rest,
And fill with conscious joy my breast.
Well pleas'd that mercy to proclaim,
To Thee, instinct with holy flame,
To Thee my tongue from day to day
Shall meditate the grateful lay.
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