Version of Paraphrase of the Psalm, A - Psalm 147
O Bless Jehovah : Sweet the joy,
When tasks like these the voice employ;
To Him our highest thanks belong
And Praise sits comely on out tongue.
'Tis He who builds fair Salem 's walls,
And Israel 's exil'd sons recalls;
Yields to the contrite heart relief,
And binds its wounds, and sooths its grief:
He to the stars assigns their names,
(As, scatter'd wide, their vivid flames
Adorn the bright ethereal plain,)
And numbers with his eye their train.
Great is our God: beyond all bound
His Pow'r, beyond all search is found
His Knowledge; in his Arm the Meek
With sure success their Aid shall seek;
That Arm, whose unresisted stroke,
On Each who dares his Wrath provoke,
With swift descent its aim shall guide,
And level to the dust their pride.
Let ev'ry tongue, let ev'ry chord,
Exalt the Name of Jacob 's Lord,
Whose hand with clouds the Heav'n obscures,
On Earth the genial moisture pours;
He bids the herb its mantle spread,
Luxuriant o'er the Mountain's head:
Gives to the Beasts their wonted Food,
And stills the Raven's clam'rous Brood.
If o'er the field the battle bleed,
His watchful eye the strengthful Steed
Regards not, nor the Chiefs whose feet
Unmov'd the shock of legions meet.
On You, in whom his fear refides,
On You whose heart in Him confides,
His Grace its signals shall bestow,
His Arm with conquest bind your brow.
O Solyma , his lov'd Abode,
Him praise, unceasing! Bless thy God,
O Sion , who thy gates has barr'd;
Whose various gifts thy Sons have shar'd;
His visits teach thy grateful soil
To recompense the tiller's toil;
He crowns with peace thy happy plain;
Calls from thy glebe the purest grain.
His Word, from Heav'n in swift career
Convey'd, suggests to Nature's ear
The Laws that regulate her frame,
And gives her ev'ry act its aim.
Flak'd by his Art, the woolly snow
Falls silent on the ground below;
By Him the frost, as ashes hoar,
Lies sprinkled earth's wide surface o'er:
In harden'd fragments through the air,
While Man its rigours shuns to bear,
His Hail descends; in icy chains
His hand the gliding stream detains.
Till, at his Word, th' instructed wind
With friendly breath the Wave unbind,
And bid it, onward borne, again
With liquid lapse its course maintain.
Such is the God, and such his Might,
Whose Precepts Israel 's Love invite,
And to his Tribes in full display
His Life-directing truths convey.
What Realm, thro' earth's extended Coasts,
His Care, like thine, O Judah , boasts,
Or, taught, as Thou, his fear to own,
The dictates of his Will has known?
O come, your thankful voices join,
And bless the Majesty divine:
His praise, to Time's remotest day,
His pow'r in sacred notes display.
O Bless Jehovah : Sweet the joy,
When tasks like these the voice employ;
To Him our highest thanks belong
And Praise sits comely on out tongue.
'Tis He who builds fair Salem 's walls,
And Israel 's exil'd sons recalls;
Yields to the contrite heart relief,
And binds its wounds, and sooths its grief:
He to the stars assigns their names,
(As, scatter'd wide, their vivid flames
Adorn the bright ethereal plain,)
And numbers with his eye their train.
Great is our God: beyond all bound
His Pow'r, beyond all search is found
His Knowledge; in his Arm the Meek
With sure success their Aid shall seek;
That Arm, whose unresisted stroke,
On Each who dares his Wrath provoke,
With swift descent its aim shall guide,
And level to the dust their pride.
Let ev'ry tongue, let ev'ry chord,
Exalt the Name of Jacob 's Lord,
Whose hand with clouds the Heav'n obscures,
On Earth the genial moisture pours;
He bids the herb its mantle spread,
Luxuriant o'er the Mountain's head:
Gives to the Beasts their wonted Food,
And stills the Raven's clam'rous Brood.
If o'er the field the battle bleed,
His watchful eye the strengthful Steed
Regards not, nor the Chiefs whose feet
Unmov'd the shock of legions meet.
On You, in whom his fear refides,
On You whose heart in Him confides,
His Grace its signals shall bestow,
His Arm with conquest bind your brow.
O Solyma , his lov'd Abode,
Him praise, unceasing! Bless thy God,
O Sion , who thy gates has barr'd;
Whose various gifts thy Sons have shar'd;
His visits teach thy grateful soil
To recompense the tiller's toil;
He crowns with peace thy happy plain;
Calls from thy glebe the purest grain.
His Word, from Heav'n in swift career
Convey'd, suggests to Nature's ear
The Laws that regulate her frame,
And gives her ev'ry act its aim.
Flak'd by his Art, the woolly snow
Falls silent on the ground below;
By Him the frost, as ashes hoar,
Lies sprinkled earth's wide surface o'er:
In harden'd fragments through the air,
While Man its rigours shuns to bear,
His Hail descends; in icy chains
His hand the gliding stream detains.
Till, at his Word, th' instructed wind
With friendly breath the Wave unbind,
And bid it, onward borne, again
With liquid lapse its course maintain.
Such is the God, and such his Might,
Whose Precepts Israel 's Love invite,
And to his Tribes in full display
His Life-directing truths convey.
What Realm, thro' earth's extended Coasts,
His Care, like thine, O Judah , boasts,
Or, taught, as Thou, his fear to own,
The dictates of his Will has known?
O come, your thankful voices join,
And bless the Majesty divine:
His praise, to Time's remotest day,
His pow'r in sacred notes display.
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