Version of Paraphrase of the Psalm, A - Psalm 36


Behold the wretch, in error lost,
Whose stubborn heart with impious boast
His Law rejects, his fear denies,
Who form'd the earth, and seas, and skies;


He ne'er repentant looks within,
To view the measure of his sin;
His tongue to falsehood train'd, his mind
No more to acts of good inclin'd;


Concerted mischiefs croud his breast,
And rob his midnight hours of rest;
Nor Wisdom to her paths his will
Can turn, or wean his soul from ill.


Thy Mercy, Lord, to Heav'n extends,
Thy Truth the lofty clouds transcends;
Fix'd as the Mountain's solid base
Thy righteousness maintains her place.


Who seeks to trace the Will divine
By Reason's aid, with scanty line
(Prepost'rous,) would the Deep explore,
And measure with his span its shore.


Nor rest thy cares alone confin'd
To Us, the Sons of human kind;
Thy hand th' unconscious Brute sustains,
And spreads his pasture on the plains:


But We, with pious trust, who know
What gifts we to thy Mercy owe,
(O, what that Mercy can excel?)
Beneath thy fost'ring wings shall dwell.


To each who seeks thy name behold
Thy House its richest stores unfold,
And bliss unintermix'd with woe
In fullest streams their breast o'erflow.


From out thy Seat, immortal King,
Forth issues Life's perennial spring;
Thy light with unextinguish'd rays
Shall o'er our heads auspicious blaze.


Still may the souls who Thee have known
The Blessings of thy Mercy own,
And each who bears a spotless mind
His refuge in thy Justice find.


Me let thy care, Almighty Friend,
From Pride's injurious foot defend;
Each impious hand that seeks my hurt
Let thy superior strength avert.


O bid before my sight each foe
The terrors of thy vengeance know;
Lo, there they fall, their triumphs o'er,
And prostrate lie, to rise no more.
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