Version of Paraphrase of the Psalm, A - Psalm 66
Ye Sons of Men, in God rejoice;
Lift in one choir your thankful voice,
And spread through Earth's extended frame
The honour of your Maker's name.
Ye Nations round assembled meet!
Thus let your song his praise repeat;
Eternal Ruler of the skies,
How awful are thy works, how wise!
Thy late obdurate foes behold,
By thy superior strength controul'd,
With flatt'ring lip their homage pay,
And Earth's whole empire own thy sway.
Each tribe of human race to Thee
Shall suppliant bend the humble knee,
Each tongue in hymns of praise shall join,
And joyful bless the name divine.
O come, and view with rev'rent thought
The acts by Heav'n's high Monarch wrought,
His wonders shown since Time began,
And friendlike intercourse with Man.
His word the Deep's vasts channel dried,
And backward roll'd th' obedient Tide;
Aw'd by his voice the briny flood
In liquid heaps suspended stood:
Now safe athwart its sandy bed
By Him our rescu'd troops are led,
Now lost in grateful transport stand,
And shouts of triumph shake the strand.
Time's latest period long o'erpast,
His pow'r shall self-supported last;
His eyes the earth survey; — in vain
Its rebel sons oppose his reign.
Ye Nations all of various tongue,
To Jacob 's God exalt the song;
Sing, sing aloud, that Nature's ear
His praise through all her bounds may hear,
Whose wakeful care within our breast
(Though countless foes our peace infest,)
Still gives the vital pulse to beat,
And guards from dread of lapse our feet.
Oft has thy hand, All potent Lord,
By various proof our faith explor'd,
And bid the flame each heart refine,
As silver recent from the mine:
Now round us waves the net, and now
Beneath Oppression's weight we bow,
While o'er our heads the Sons of pride
With hostile scorn exulting ride.
Through fires, through torrents, led by Thee,
At length th' expected Land we see,
Where streams irriguous cleave the soil,
And crown with wealth the tiller's toil.
Lo, to thy Dome, my God and King,
The sacred Holocaust I bring,
That late, oppress'd by sorrow's cloud,
To Thee with fervent lip I vow'd:
Before thy Altar's kindled fire
The promis'd victims shall expire,
Here bleed the full-fed Goat, and here
The fleecy Ram, and stubborn Steer.
O come, Ye Souls that fear your God,
And learn his grace on Me bestow'd,
As, supplicating loud, my tongue
Wak'd to his praise the hallow'd song.
Had conscious guilt my bosom stain'd,
How had his ear my pray'r disdain'd,
That upward now through tracts of day
In sure acceptance wings its way!
Blest be my God, who, thron'd on high,
Rejects not from his care my cry,
Nor, while afflictions round me rise,
His mercy to my soul denies.
Ye Sons of Men, in God rejoice;
Lift in one choir your thankful voice,
And spread through Earth's extended frame
The honour of your Maker's name.
Ye Nations round assembled meet!
Thus let your song his praise repeat;
Eternal Ruler of the skies,
How awful are thy works, how wise!
Thy late obdurate foes behold,
By thy superior strength controul'd,
With flatt'ring lip their homage pay,
And Earth's whole empire own thy sway.
Each tribe of human race to Thee
Shall suppliant bend the humble knee,
Each tongue in hymns of praise shall join,
And joyful bless the name divine.
O come, and view with rev'rent thought
The acts by Heav'n's high Monarch wrought,
His wonders shown since Time began,
And friendlike intercourse with Man.
His word the Deep's vasts channel dried,
And backward roll'd th' obedient Tide;
Aw'd by his voice the briny flood
In liquid heaps suspended stood:
Now safe athwart its sandy bed
By Him our rescu'd troops are led,
Now lost in grateful transport stand,
And shouts of triumph shake the strand.
Time's latest period long o'erpast,
His pow'r shall self-supported last;
His eyes the earth survey; — in vain
Its rebel sons oppose his reign.
Ye Nations all of various tongue,
To Jacob 's God exalt the song;
Sing, sing aloud, that Nature's ear
His praise through all her bounds may hear,
Whose wakeful care within our breast
(Though countless foes our peace infest,)
Still gives the vital pulse to beat,
And guards from dread of lapse our feet.
Oft has thy hand, All potent Lord,
By various proof our faith explor'd,
And bid the flame each heart refine,
As silver recent from the mine:
Now round us waves the net, and now
Beneath Oppression's weight we bow,
While o'er our heads the Sons of pride
With hostile scorn exulting ride.
Through fires, through torrents, led by Thee,
At length th' expected Land we see,
Where streams irriguous cleave the soil,
And crown with wealth the tiller's toil.
Lo, to thy Dome, my God and King,
The sacred Holocaust I bring,
That late, oppress'd by sorrow's cloud,
To Thee with fervent lip I vow'd:
Before thy Altar's kindled fire
The promis'd victims shall expire,
Here bleed the full-fed Goat, and here
The fleecy Ram, and stubborn Steer.
O come, Ye Souls that fear your God,
And learn his grace on Me bestow'd,
As, supplicating loud, my tongue
Wak'd to his praise the hallow'd song.
Had conscious guilt my bosom stain'd,
How had his ear my pray'r disdain'd,
That upward now through tracts of day
In sure acceptance wings its way!
Blest be my God, who, thron'd on high,
Rejects not from his care my cry,
Nor, while afflictions round me rise,
His mercy to my soul denies.
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