The Voice of God Is Calling
1. The voice of God is calling Its summons unto men;
2. I hear my people crying In cot and mine and slum;
As once he spake in Zion, So now he speaks again.
No field or mart is silent, No city street is dumb.
Whom shall I send to succor My people in their need?
I see my people falling In darkness and despair.
Whom shall I send to loosen The bonds of shame and greed?
Whom shall I send to shatter The fetters which they bear?
3. We heed, O Lord, thy summons,
And answer: Here are we!
Send us upon thine errand!
Let us thy servants be!
Our strength is dust and ashes,
Our years a passing hour;
But thou canst use our weakness,
To magnify thy power.
4. From ease and plenty save us,
From pride of place absolve;
Purge us of low desire,
Lift us to high resolve.
Take us, and make us holy,
Teach us thy will and way.
Speak, and, behold! we answer,
Command, and we obey!
2. I hear my people crying In cot and mine and slum;
As once he spake in Zion, So now he speaks again.
No field or mart is silent, No city street is dumb.
Whom shall I send to succor My people in their need?
I see my people falling In darkness and despair.
Whom shall I send to loosen The bonds of shame and greed?
Whom shall I send to shatter The fetters which they bear?
3. We heed, O Lord, thy summons,
And answer: Here are we!
Send us upon thine errand!
Let us thy servants be!
Our strength is dust and ashes,
Our years a passing hour;
But thou canst use our weakness,
To magnify thy power.
4. From ease and plenty save us,
From pride of place absolve;
Purge us of low desire,
Lift us to high resolve.
Take us, and make us holy,
Teach us thy will and way.
Speak, and, behold! we answer,
Command, and we obey!
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