A Waggery


C HILDRENS Abs and Womens Ohs,
Doe a wondrous griefe disclose;
Where a dugge the one will still
And the t'other but a will.

Then in gods name let them cry;
While they cry, they will not die:
For, but fewe that are so curst
As to cry vntill they burst.

Say, some children are vntoward;
So some women are as froward:
Let them cry them, twill not kill them;
There is time enough to still them.

But if Pitty will be pleased
To relieue the small diseased,
When the helpe is once applying,
They will quickly leaue their crying.

Let the childe then sucke his fill
Let the woman haue her will;
All will hush, was hearde before;
Ah and Oh, will cry no more.


Lovely kinde, and kindly louing,
Such a minde were worth the mouing:
Truly faire and fairely true,
Where are all these but in you?

Wisely kinde, and kindely wise,
Blessed life, where such loue lies:
Wise, and kinde, and faire, and true
Louely liue all these in you.

Sweetely deare and dearely sweete.
Blessed, where these blessings meete:
Sweete, faire, wise, kinde, blessed true
Blessed be all these in you.


S ORROW rippe vp all thy senses,
Neerest vnto Horrors nature:
Taste of all thy quintessences,
That may kill a wretched creature.

Then beholde my wofull spirit
All in passions overthrowne;
And full closely, like a ferret,
Seize vpon it for thine owne.

But if thou doe growe dismaid,
When thou dost but looke on mee
When my passions, well displaid
Will but make a blast of thee.

Then, in grief of thy disgraces
Where my fortunes doe deface thee
Tell thy Muses to their faces,
They may learne of mee to grace thee.

For thy sighes, thy sobbes, and teares
But thy common badges beene;
While the paine, the spirit beares
Eates away the heart vnseene.

Where in silence swallowed vp
Are the sighes and teares of Loue.
Which are drawne to fill the cuppe,
Must be drunke to Deaths behoue.

Then beholding my hearts swoune
In my torments more and more:
Say, when thou dost sit thee downe
Thou wert neuer grac't before.
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