Western Refrain

DROOP not, brothers!
As we go,
O'er the mountains,
Westward ho!
Under boughs of mistletoe,
Log huts we 'll rear,
While herds of deer and buffalo
Furnish the cheer.
File o'er the mountains—steady, boys
For game afar
We have our rifles ready, boys!—
Throw care to the winds,
Like chaff, boys!—ha!
And join in the laugh, boys!—

Cheer up, brothers!
As we go,
O'er the mountains,
Westward ho!
When we 've wood and prairie-land,
Won by our toil,
We'll reign like kings in fairy-land,
Lords of the soil!
Then westward ho! in legions, boys—
Fair Freedom's star
Points to her sunset regions, boys!—
Throw care to the winds,
Like chaff, boys!—ha!
And join in the laugh, boys—
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