Where Gentle Hous-A-Tonic Threads

Where gentle Hous-a-ton-ic threads
Its pathway to the sea,
It mirrors many a flow'ret sweet
And many a noble tree.
The flowers are the maidens fair,
Old Berkshire's boast and pride;
And manhood is the lofty tree
Fast by the water side.

High tower the hills above the vale
Where Housatonic flows;
There free the breeze of summer plays,
And pure are winter's snows.
But freer is the honest hand
That tills the soil below;
And purer is the maiden there
Than the unsullied snow.

Firm stand Tigh-con-ic's tablets high
O'er Housatonic's plain,
And Time upon their solid base
Shall try his scythe in vain.
But firmer is the spirit bold
That Berkshire's freemen show;
And fame shall sing of Berkshire's fair
While time and water flow.
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