Whoa Mule


Whoa mule; aint you got no sense?
Keep jammin dis cart up to dis fence
Don't you know you'll break it down?
You's de biggest fool mule in dis town.


Anybody dat looks at you
Can see you is country thru and thru
A city mule has got some sense
You never see him jammin de fence.


When his boss says to him " be still "
He, stops right then and obeys his will
He gently turns his head around
To see if his boss is on the ground.


He stands up jes where he is placed
He looks a street car in de face
He winks at autos passing by
From motorcycles he will not shy.


I know you've seen a car befo,
Don't you hear me keep saying whoa!!
I'll take dis stick and bust yo hide,
You act so daw-gonned country-fied.


Now when I get up from my seat,
You stand bolt upright on yo feet;
And let these city mules find out,
That you are not a country clout.


Mule, are you really trving to pout,
Or are you trying to pitch me out?
The mo I talk to you bout sense;
The mo you jams into this fence.


You think that you'll have some fun,
But mule, my business you can't run;
I'll tell you when I want to go,
Stand up I tell you; I mean whoa!!
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